Address: 1602 E Houston Hwy, Suite A, Beeville, TX 78102

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 8AM to 5PM
  Contact : (361) 354-2832 Fax: (361) 354-2884

The Benefits of a Private Surgery Center

Patient care is at the top of our list here at Coastal Plains Surgical Care (CPSC), because you are unique and important. Dr. Schlotter decided to create a surgical clinic that was completely private and convenient for our patients because many of them were overwhelmed with hospital check-in. He knew that our clients wanted something

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How to Offset Excessive Holiday Eating

Our favorite half of the year is here, and it’s time to plan your dinner parties, holiday travel and everything else. At Coastal Plains Surgical Care, we know that everyone always talks about those extra pounds you find yourself holding onto after these holiday meals, but you can’t let the excitement of the holidays add

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The Spooky Side of Facial Rejuvenation

Horror films have this wonderful way of building and building the point in a scene where you know for sure something’s going to pop out of the closet, or once the person turns around there will be someone peeking through their window like a ghost or something. Aging is a lot like that, and premature

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