Our favorite half of the year is here, and it’s time to plan your dinner parties, holiday travel and everything else. At Coastal Plains Surgical Care, we know that everyone always talks about those extra pounds you find yourself holding onto after these holiday meals, but you can’t let the excitement of the holidays add to your waistline. Enjoy these little delicacies, but don’t overdo it. We understand the feeling of wanting to treat yourself but think about all those calories and pounds you’ll have to work off in the following months. Now, you’re probably wondering how to offset excessive holiday eating, and we’ve prepared some tips for you to help you get started.
Moderate Meal Portions
Portion control isn’t something that comes to mind when we talk Thanksgiving turkey, but if you practice this technique throughout the holidays, then you can get a little bit of everything without eating too much. Whichever way you decide to do this is ultimately up to you; however, we recommend following the rule that any proteins (meats) should be no larger than your closed fist. Take your plate and imagine it divided in half. On one-half of your plate focus on veggies which are healthy and filling; the other half of your plate will hold your protein and starch. As you work on portion control, you may find yourself making better decisions and consuming just enough.
Don’t Starve Yourself Before
It’s a common idea that before the big holiday meal, people will skip breakfast and lunch to “save room” for later. When we skip meals to save space for the big dinner, we’re not thinking about portions or how much we can honestly eat before your body feels full. Almost everyone you know will overeat this holiday season which only stretches the stomach over time and adds unnecessary extra pounds. Even if you eat smaller, healthier, meals before your holiday dinner, you’re more likely to consume lighter portions and eat much slower. Your brain will then have time to tell you that your stomach has had enough.
Lean Towards Entrees Rich in Fruits, Veggies, and Whole Grains
Many of the best holiday foods are those packed with nutrients, vitamins and all those feel good grains. These things keep you full, energized and less likely to fall asleep watching the football game. The usual table top items included on holiday tables are those packed with carbohydrates that make you feel sluggish. We also have a ton of processed sugary things that won’t fill you up and raise your glucose levels more than they should. Think about naturally sweetened foods like fruits, veggies, and roots (like sweet potatoes); these taste great and quickly processed by the body in moderation. We’ll also shine a light on those whole grains because these will keep you fuller longer, so you won’t feel the need to rush back for seconds and thirds. We know how it works.
Holiday Exercising
The majority of holiday parties consist of sitting and chatting, watching television and playing board games. While these are all fun activities, they will put you to sleep and keep you sedentary meaning all those extra calories you spent on chocolate covered cannoli’s aren’t being used up. Start a new tradition and get active with your family members. Make sure you tell everyone to wear comfortable clothing to your party this year so you can pick teams and play ball. Go on a family walk and enjoy holiday dressings in windows; fresh air will do you good and boost your energy for the rest of the evening. Kickstarting your metabolism should be at the top of your new tradition this year.
With these special tips to reduce your excess holiday eating, you’re sure to maintain your weight and maybe feel healthier than you did the previous year. Let’s challenge ourselves and say yes to a healthier you. Call Coastal Plains Surgical Care to create a wellness plan alongside your cosmetic treatments so you’ll look beautiful in holiday photos at (361) 354-2832.
For our patients that wish to talk about a sliding scale for our cash services and plan to have them done in our surgical clinic, we can talk about special pricing.