Address: 1602 E Houston Hwy, Suite A, Beeville, TX 78102

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 8AM to 5PM
  Contact : (361) 354-2832 Fax: (361) 354-2884

Breast Cancer

Anyone with breast (including men) can develop breast cancer. Myth #1: “No one in my family has breast cancer so I do not have to worry about it.” Myth #2 “Someone in my family has breast cancer so I will probably get it.”

There are currently 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. This is related to better screening, earlier detection and better (and more complex) therapy options. Access to expert care is widely available.

Surgical options for breast cancer have not changed a lot in the last 25 years. Surgery is often the cornerstone of the initial treatment.

  1. Wide Excision (Lumpectomy), lymph node assessment and radiation treatments.
  2. Mastectomy
  3. Reconstruction with implants or tissue transfers. The more complex is how to best assess the lymph node status which is important for accurate tumor staging. Traditionally, the surgeon remove the bulk of the axillary (arm pit) nodes along with the initial surgery. However, the surgeon can now sample the nodes using sentinel lymph node dissection. The sentinel nodes are located using special dye or radio-tracer injected into the breast. This technique has fewer complications.

The treatments of breast cancer are complex. Optimal outcomes require a team of specialists working together, choosing the best diagnostic tests and treatments for each individual patient.

Dr. Schlotter has extensive experience with the many surgical options. He spends time with each patient and their family explaining the diagnoses and the treatment options. He consults with other cancer specialist and arranges the appropriate referrals where indicated. Once the workup is complete and the patient feels fully informed, Dr. Schlotter will then assist the patient in choosing the best path for managing their cancer. After surgery, Dr. Schlotter will discuss and explain the pathology results and their implications. He continues to see the patient throughout their treatment course and for years afterwards.