Address: 1602 E Houston Hwy, Suite A, Beeville, TX 78102

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 8AM to 5PM
  Contact : (361) 354-2832 Fax: (361) 354-2884

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TickleLipo?

Tickle Lipo is also referred to as Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture or NIL. The procedure uses low frequency acoustic infrasonic vibration combined with simultaneous suction to loosen and remove unwanted areas of fat from the body. Unlike traditional liposuction, Tickle Lipo uses air pressure rather than heat, which causes less damage to surrounding tissue and blood vessels. The cannula used to remove the fat is also much narrower, resulting in less bruising and scarring after the procedure. New option for patients seeking lipoplasty procedures

The procedure gets its nickname due to the fact that patients experience less discomfort during treatment – in fact, some describe the sensation as a “tickle.” Tickle Lipo provides comparable results to traditional lipo, but it can be done under local anesthesia with shorter recovery times.

What areas do we treat with TickleLipo?

  • Breasts and abdomen
  • Hips and thighs
  • Arms and back
  • Cheeks and chin

Tickle Lipo was originally developed in Europe and was approved by the FDA for use in the U.S. in 2010. The procedure is quickly gaining popularity as doctors and patients alike are tuning into the many benefits Tickle Lipo offers over traditional lipoplasty procedures.

What are the benefits of Liposuction and TickleLipo?

Liposuction is a method of achieving body sculpture by removing excess deposits of fat. Localized accumulations of fat, which are often inherited and frequently prove impossible to eliminate by exercise or dieting, can now be removed permanently by liposuction surgery.


What are the benefits of TickleLipo?

  • Less invasive procedure means less risk.
  • The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia.
  • Patients experience less bruising, bleeding and swelling after the procedure.
  • Smaller cannula leads to smoother results and better contouring.
  • Tool stops working when changes to tissue density are detected, protecting surrounding tissue from damage.
  • The procedure is quicker and can be performed as an outpatient procedure.
  • Patients experience less downtime after the procedure.
  • Customized cannulas ensure greater precision, no matter what area of the body is treated.

Like traditional liposuction, Tickle Lipo can work on many different areas of the body. The results are considered permanent, as long as patients adhere to a healthy lifestyle after treatment.

Is an Injectable Dermal Filler Right for You?

Dermal fillers are a quick, relatively simple way to achieve your aesthetic goals without incisions, anesthesia or downtime. They are usually recommended for men and women in the early to mid stages of the aging process. Patients that require more correction may want to consider a surgical procedure to mee their goals.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are injectable solutions that provide support to the underlying skin structure and promote the body’s own production of collagen. Collagen is an important substance that works in the underlying tissue to give skin its soft, supple appearance. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, which leads to skin laxity and the appearance of facial creases. Dermal fillers can reverse some of that damage on a temporary basis, giving skin the support it needs to restore its youthful vitality.

Is an Injectable Neuromodulator Right for You?

Botox and Dysport injections are generally recommended for men and women that want to turn back the clock but are not ready for a more invasive surgical procedure. These treatments work well on nearly any skin tone or type. The only patients that should not have Botox or Dysport include patients that are pregnant or nursing, those taking certain types of medication or patients that have allergies to any of the ingredients in the formulation. Before your first treatment, we will discuss your medical history with you to ensure the injections will be both safe and effective for you.

Botox or Dysport?

Choosing between Botox and Dysport can be a difficult decision for some patients. After all, both medications work in the same manner and both offer results that last 3-4 months. Some patients that do not respond as well to Botox may want to try Dysport to see if their results are improved. Dr. Schlotter will also have his personal preferences, based on how he has seen both formulations work. Talk to Dr. Schlotter before your procedure to find out which treatment he recommends and why.

What is a Neuromodulator?

A neuromodulator is a medication that contains trace amounts of the botulinum toxin. This ingredient effectively relaxes facial muscles that contribute to the formation of some types of facial wrinkles, smoothing away those wrinkles in the process. These treatments work best on “dynamic” wrinkles , which are wrinkles that appear when certain facial expressions are formed. Treatment minimizes the appearance of the lines, without undermining your ability to make natural facial expressions.

What causes varicose veins?

Most often varicose veins are related to hereditary tendency, however, prolonged standing, trauma, obesity, pregnancy, birth control pills and post-menopausal hormone replacement can play important roles in the development of spider and varicose veins.

What is mini-phlebectomy?

Mini-phlebectomy is a technique by which veins can be removed without scars. Tiny pinholes are made in the skin under local anesthesia and relatively long segments of veins can be removed through these pinholes. This technique may be used either as a primary treatment, as an adjunctive treatment to LASE or as other more definitive measures.

Will treated veins recur?

Larger veins and spider veins may recur. Or, it may seem that a previously injected vessel has recurred, when, in fact, a new spider vein has appeared in the same area. Since spider veins and varicose veins are genetically determined diseases, it is probable that problem veins will recur in some area. Most patients can expect an interval of 2 years or more before additional injections are necessary.

Are these veins necessary for circulation?

Though these blood vessels carry blood, they are abnormal and are not necessary, perform no useful function, and also can lead to painful thrombophlebitis or significant bleeding.

How do I prepare for ligation?

No limitations are placed on normal activities. The incision needs to be kept dry until the stitch is removed, which is usually three days after your surgery. During this time you will need to sponge bathe. If dissolvable sutures are placed, the dressing can be removed in three days and you may begin showering. Some bruising around the incision line is normal. No pain medications are usually required or prescribed so please have an over-the-counter analgesic (such as Tylenol or Motrin) available at home to be used if needed.

What is the disability following mini-phlebectomy?

The mini-phlebectomy is relatively pain-free. Most patients are able to drive themselves home from the procedure. Normal activities can be resumed at any time.

Will I have scars following mini-phlebectomy?

The pinholes generally heal without scars.

How will my treatment be determined?

Your doctor will evaluate your legs on your first visit. Sometimes ultrasound will be necessary to determine the state of your circulation. Good treatment involves dealing with all abnormalities and the more information the doctor has, the easier it is for him or her, to make the appropriate recommendation.

What is the difference between a LASE and Radio Frequency (RF) procedures?

The LASE (Laser Assisted Saphenous Endoablation) uses laser energy to obliterate the interior portion of the vein. This procedure is a minimally invasive procedure that treats varicose veins and their underlying cause, venous reflux, with little or no pain. Larger varicosities may be treated with the LASE procedure. Our clinic uses a laser console called Vari-lase.

Radio Frequency (RF) energy delivers controlled heat to the vein wall causing the collagen in the wall to shrink and the vein to close. This is also a minimally invasive procedure that treats varicose veins. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood will re-route itself to healthy veins. The most known RF console is called Venefit.

What is a carotidendarterectomy?

An carotidendarterectomy is the removal of plaque (arteriosclerosis) from the inside of an artery. Plaque may build up to critical level, restricting perfusion (flow) into the adjacent tissues. Pieces of plaque or small clots (emboli) may break free and block the blood flow. In the brain, this can cause a stroke. In the legs, this can cause pain or serious damage to the muscles. Surgical removal of the plaque and repair of the artery may be necessary to restore flow and preserve function.

How much time should I take off from work if I’m having the LASE procedure?

The procedure takes about 1 hour, and is generally done without sedation, under local anesthesia. Patients can generally drive themselves home. The degree of disability for most patients is mild. Many are able to resume usual activities right away, most prefer to leave some leeway for a few days.

Does LASE hurt?

Tumescent anesthesia is used for the procedure and it is administered under ultrasound control. Pain is usually minimal. The second through fourth day are sometimes uncomfortable, but anti-inflammatory drugs, which we prescribe, are very effective.

What are the risks of LASE?

There have been no instances of deep vein thrombosis, infection, nerve or arterial injury, or other serious medical problems. Temporary bruising, swelling,and discomfort are relatively common.

What can I expect to see right away?

The initial response to the procedure is variable. Some patients see a radical reduction in the size of their veins, while others note that their varices are less distended and feel better. In rare cases, there are no immediate changes. When this happens, it usually indicates that other communications between the superficial and deep systems of veins may be present. These will sometimes recede with time, or may be dealt with in the post-operative months.

How are charges determined?

In general charges are based on time, and degree of difficulty and expertise that go into the treatment. You will receive an accurate estimate of the time and charges at your first visit.

What is the follow up schedule?

The follow up schedule may vary slightly, Typically patients will be seen at one week, six weeks, and three months post-op. Additional procedures such as mini-phlebectomy or sclerotherapy may be scheduled at that time, or sooner at the discretion of your physician.