October is a fun month; we get a little bit of the spooky with Halloween, and we get to spread awareness for breast cancer. We posted something about breast cancer awareness month earlier, but now we want to talk a little more about the specifics of the disorders associated with the breasts. We offer a variety of breast correction procedures and exams to help you with the aesthetics of your breasts, as well as full breast exams. Check out other breast disorders, their risks and treatment options below.
- Fibrocystic Changes in the Breasts, Cysts, and Benign Tumors
Every woman has a slightly different feel to the texture of her breasts, but in this particular condition, lumps in the breasts are larger and move around. These are benign lumps of tissues meaning they’re inactive (not cancerous) but do cause some discomfort upon touch or when it’s that time of the month.
Cysts can often be mistaken for fibrocystic breast tissues since these are harder lumps that tend to be a lot smaller and concentrated. The fibrocystic tissue is usually delegated to a larger space in the breasts since it’s just slightly lumpy which comes from the build up of breast fluid in the glands. These two types are not dangerous, but depending on other symptoms that accompany them you should have your breasts examined by your physician.
Benign tumors are another mass of hardened cell build-ups in the breasts that could be cause for concern, but until you’ve seen a medical practitioner to make sure of this, then it may or may not be dangerous. There are several types, but most are rare including glandular tumors which come from a buildup of cells or oils in the top portion of the breasts. Dr. Schlotter or one of our skilled RN’s will walk you through a breast exam and how to tell the difference between what is considered normal and what is not. - Discharge and Duct Conditions, Nipple Inversion
We mentioned fibrocystic lumps, cysts and benign tumors that can develop in breast tissue which is usually not something to worry over. However, when these lumps in the breast come with discharge are fueled by duct conditions and nipple inversions, it may raise a flag.
The first thing, discharge could be a sign of breast cancer if you find bloody or milky discharge randomly coming from the nipples. Some discharge could appear green or black in women over 50 years old which may just be a sign that old cells or fluids block the milk ducts in their breasts. These duct conditions are called duct ectasia, and the other is hyperplasia (you may need a biopsy with this one). Many women have inverted nipples as well, but there could be something going on within these ducts that cause the nipple to pull back inward. - Breast Cancer
We focused on this topic before, but breast cancer is a serious condition that can spread quickly. Breast cancer pertains to a group of rogue cells that start within the breast tissue in a cluster that we call tumors. Once these cells spread to the lymph system, then it becomes an issue that can cause your immune system to backfire. However, this number of men affected by breast cancer is very, very small. Treatment for breast cancer involves targeted hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery to remove cancerous tissues.
To learn more about possible breast conditions and how we treat them at Coastal Plains Surgical Care, call us to schedule an appointment at (361) 354-2832.